Thursday, October 8, 2009

Catch up???

Okay, for real this time. I'm blogging. I promise this isn't a fake :) Jaydee and Heidi have inspired me, haha. Alex too!

So much has happened this year that I can't even remember. My best friend in Utah, Alex got married. Here are some of the photos!!

The wedding was B E A U T I F U L and hopefully I will have more photos up soon!!

On a less happy note, I want to recognize Scott McDonald, my cousin. He was involved in an accident that resulted in burns all over his battle. He fought it for a long five months before he lost his battle on August 8th, 2009. May our hearts and prayers go out to his family. We love you!!

Six weeks after Scott lost his fight, Jimmy Dan "Mick" lost his own with Lymes Disease and Alzhiemers. He was a good father and grandfather. He was my best friend growing up with his visits with me, long days taking care of his horses, dogs, the "Thunder Chicken" and day dreaming about Roping. His incessant nicknames for every one of us, mine being Snitz (good luck figuring that one out) and you were known as that and ONLY that for the rest of your life.

Grandpa always had a good joke up his sleeve, usually inappropriate but much needed to relieve life's everyday stresses. He was a great example of hard work, laughter, family and love and how life should be lived: every day to its fullest with no regrets and no worries.

His wife, Alice, stood by his side for year after year watching him slowly forget the life he lived, the people he loved most and the memories he held dear. I learned true compassion, love and dedication from my grandma and am proud to call her my blood.

Love you Gramps, may you be Always Remembered forever.

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